To think well
is to live well.
I believe that if you don’t know how to think well, you really don’t know how to live well.
I use design thinking concepts and systems theory to think and communicate better, in tune with the unintended consequences that occur with every action we take. Better positioned to benefit from resulting outcomes.
I can help you figure this stuff out, working with you, not necessarily for you.
Everyone faces daily decision fatigue and an interruptive culture, making it ever more difficult to unlock our futures.
By creating clear understanding through a simple, unified thinking approach, organizations and individuals – who often find themselves switching between multiple identities to attain success – can get to a common agreement.
Find Your Why
By modeling Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle methodology, See Context helps individuals and organizations find their WHY so that they can better understand WHAT they do and HOW they do it.
3 Horizons Strategy
This workshop centers around exploratory futures thinking and facing uncertainty in ways that most people try and avoid. Together, we navigate these difficulties by providing a context in which people can legitimately share different perspectives amongst others with themselves.
Join me for concentrated sessions that use systems theory, design thinking, and proven methodologies.
& Now
I first went to China in 1992 to teach English as a Second Language at the Zhejiang Institute of Technology in Hangzhou. Ever since then, I have been traveling to and from China on a regular basis, deepening my understanding of Confucian culture, and paying daily attention to Chinese cultural and political issues.
Journal coming soon
Let’s talk
Are you interested in collaborating on your next project? Do you need copywriting or strategic communications support? Or do you just want more information about the work I do?